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Still got doubts? Use the Contact form.


All packages are shipped from Brazil, which means it may take anywhere

from 15 to 60 days for the package to reach its destination.

Previous international shipping experience showed us there is no way to predict if your package is going to arrive sooner or later. Two packages shipped on the same day to the same city can arrive within a two week gap. This happens because some international packages may be randomly taken through a second verification before leaving Brazil, and how long it'll stay there depends on the demand the post offices have at the moment.

That being said, all packages are sent with a tracking number and a timeframe. We strongly advise you to contact your local post office in case your package doesn't arrive until 30 days after the timeframe we provide is over. We do not take responsibility for returned packages. We'll request the shipping fee to be repaid in case of reshipping.


Orders are posted twice each month!

If you have more questions about shipping, be free to use our Contact Form.



        What shipping modality do you use?

✸ We use Correios, which is Brazi'ls state company that manage the country's postal system. We do not work with DHL, Fedex or other third party companies due to their rates being way too expensive.

✸ The method of shipping is called "international document - priority".

        Which payment methods are accepted??

✸  PIX, bank transfer, Mercado Pago, PagSeguro and PayPal!

✸ For international orders, the best option is PayPal. Most of the other methods probably won't work for you, but you're welcome to try MercadoPago.

        Can I make a withdrawal?

✸ Yes, you can! I won't publicly post my address, but if collecting your order in Fortaleza - CE is an option for you, send me a DM and we will sort this out.

✸ We don't make local deliveries, only withdrawals at the given address.


        Do you work with comissions?

✸ Currently, for commercial uses only. Please, send an email to telling us your idea and we can discuss it!



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